Scroll down for the latest news on Radio Head Gal and my TED Talk.
Bookstore Sighting!

Radio Head Gal made the front window at "Comma, A Bookshop" [bottom left]! Order Radio Head Gal from "Comma" here, also in stock.
NPR TED Radio Hour Visit #2!

Wonderful time chatting with Manoush Zomorodi, the ever-gracious host of NPR’s TED Radio Hour, about my book Radio Head Gal. Check out her latest TED Radio Hour Plus podcast — which I recorded from my trusty broom closet, the only spot in town where overhead planes don’t sound like they’re landing on my head. Click here to listen.
Named Favorite TED Talks of 2020!

I'm so honored to be included in the TED Editors' Picks for favorite talks of 2020! Click here.
Radio Head Gal - Amazon Number One Release!

Number one Amazon release for paperback! Hard cover and ebook at #9 and #10!
"Shelfie" Recommendation!

Radio Head Gal made the first accessibility book "shelfie" recommendation from Samantha Evans, ICE-CCP, CAE, MBA on LinkedIn, here.
ASL Interpretation - How technology has changed what it's like to be deaf
Abigail Ozanne's ASL interpretation of my TED talk which my sister found on YouTube. Click here.